Privacy Policy

Relationship counselling Hampshire - LinkedUp Counselling

LinkedUp Counselling Privacy Notice

Our contact details
Name: Clare Lay
Address: 7 Basing Mews, Lower Basingwell Street, Bishops Waltham SO32 1PA Hampshire
Phone Number: 07392 977268

What type of information we have
We currently collect and process the following information:
• Name, Address, Email, Telephone and Date of Birth and contact details)

How we get the information and why we have it
These details are voluntarily given by you filling in our Intake new client form.

Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for one of the following reasons:
• For the purposes of counselling and I consent to LinkedUp Counselling using my personal and sensitive data in accordance with the GDPR of May 2018 for the purposes of delivering counselling and measuring outcomes
• For the purposes of contacting you regarding appointment times or cancellations and invoicing (administration purposes)

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are:
• You are able to remove your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting: Clare Lay, LinkedUp Counselling, Relationship Counsellor
• We have a legitimate interest.

What we do with the information we have
We use the information that you have given us in order to learn more about you to facilitate more accurate counselling guidance and support
We may share this information with Emergency Services should there ever be a be a need for LinkedUp Counselling to break confidentiality, if we believe there is a risk to anyone of harm or breach of laws.

How we store your information
Your information is securely stored electronically on the organisation’s pass-worded database and accessed only by primary practitioner.
We keep the given personal details mentioned above for seven years. We will then dispose your information by annually cleaning our database and deleting from our organisation’s database and cloud storage.

Your data protection rights
Under data protection law, you have rights including:
Your right of access – You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information.
Your right to rectification – You have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.
Your right to erasure – You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.
Your right to restriction of processing – You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.
Your right to object to processing – You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.
Your right to data portability – You have the right to ask that we transfer the information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.

You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you.

Please contact us at Or flat 7 Basing Mews, Lower Basingwell Street, Bishops Waltham, SO32 1PA Hampshire if you wish to make a request.

How to complain
You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.

The ICO’s address:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

Dated: 15/08/2021

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